Surprise: Ethanol as Deadly as Gasoline
For Now Fuels high in ethanol may pose an equal or greater risk to public health than regular gasoline, new findings suggest... "People might say that these aren't huge increases in deaths we're seeing here," he added. "My response would be that I don't think 10,000 deaths a year from gasoline is a good thing to begin with. There are technologies we can use instead of any type of combustion engine that would result in no tailpipe deaths, such as battery-electric vehicles whose energy can come from wind or solar power.".
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1 commento:
mi piace davvero molto il tuo blog e poi grazie per la segnalazione di quest'articolo....spero che non ti dispiacia ma ti ho linkato nel mio post! è bello che ci siano persone che come me sono interessate a ciò che accade in realtà attorno a loro!:)
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