martedì 23 giugno 2009

Vola la Nissan in borsa grazie alle notizie sulle auto elettriche

Ieri lunedì 22 le Borse asiatiche hanno registrato un rialzo generalizzato, Tokyo ha chiuso in progresso dello 0,41% e Hong Kong del 2,52%.
Bene i titoli bancari e le utilities.
Tra gli automobilistici corre Nissan (+5,8%) dopo la notizia che il costruttore investirà insieme al gruppo di elettronica Nec (+1,1%) fino a 1 miliardo di dollari in un impianto per auto elettriche negli Usa.

Fonte :

Nissan To Build New Car At Smyrna Plant
SMYRNA, Tenn. - Good news for Tennessee's auto industry, Nissan said they plan to build a new car at its plant in Smyrna.
A Japanese newspaper reported that production of electric and battery vehicles will begin in Smyrna in three years. The automaker is hoping to get money from low-interest loans for green vehicles.
The overall investment is expected to be more than $500 million and could be closer to a billion dollars.
Nissan also said it will build a production facility for high-capacity ion batteries at their Smyrna site with the NEC Corporation.


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