Il Journal of the American Chemical Society online riporta il risultato di una ricerca congiunta tra laboratori in Australia, Spagna e Ucraina che sono riusciti ad aumentare la densità di energia dei supercapacitori da 5 Wh/km a 16 Wh/kg utilizzando carbonio microporoso arricchito di phosforo (phosphorus-rich microporous carbons: P-carbons) .
Highly Stable Performance of Supercapacitors from Phosphorus-Enriched Carbons
Phosphorus-rich microporous carbons (P-carbons) prepared by a simple H3PO4 activation of three different carbon precursors exhibit enhanced supercapacitive performance in 1 M H2SO4 when highly stable performance can be achieved at potentials larger than the theoretical decomposition potential of water. This ability of P-carbons greatly enhances the energy density of supercapacitors that are capable of delivering 16 Wh/kg compared to 5 Wh/kg for the commercial carbon. An intercept-free multiple linear regression model confirms the strongest influence of phosphorus on capacitance together with micropores 0.65−0.83 nm in width that are the most effective in forming the electric double layer.
Denisa Hulicova-Jurcakova*, Alexander M. Puziy, Olga I. Poddubnaya, Fabian Surez-García§, Juan M. D. Tascn§ and Gao Qing Lu*
The University of Queensland, ARC Centre of Excellence for Functional Nanomaterials, School of Engineering and Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, 4072 Queensland, Australia, Institute for Sorption and Problems of Endoecology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 03164 Kyiv, Ukraine, and Instituto Nacional del Carbn, CSIC, Apartado 72, 33080, Oviedo, Spain
The University of Queensland., ‡ National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine., § CSIC.
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