Poland confirms interest in Lithuanian NPP
Friday 11:55, January 16th, 2009
Poland continues to be interested in the participation in the construction of a new nuclear power plant in Lithuania, but will not do that if it is not guaranteed at least 1,000MW of output from the new plant, said Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk.
“Poland is determined for this project to work, but a successful venture is a power plant in Ignalina that will produce enough power for Poland,” Tusk told a press conference after talks with his Lithuanian counterpart Andrius Kubilius.
“If we get documents that will confirm Ignalina will produce more than 3,000MW and 1,000MW out of that will be for Poland, the energy bridge will make sense for Poland.” “We’re waiting for a concrete ownership structure from the Lithuanian side and for a precise document that it’s going to be 3,000+ MW, and if it says ‘no’, then it’s going to be ‘no’,” he added.
The new nuclear power plant is to be built by Lithuania, Poland, Latvia and Estonia. The investment company, Leo LT, which is dealing with the supervision and financing of the Lithuanian part of the investment, said that the plant’s capacity will likely amount to 2,200MW. According to Leo LT’s new plans, Lithuania would have access to 1,300MW capacities in the plant, while the remaining three states would have to share 900MW between themselves.
Tusk said on January 14 that Poland insists on getting at least 1,000MW of output from the new plant because it will have to invest €800 million in a power link with Lithuania and other infrastructure on the Polish side to be able to import the electricity. “Poland must invest €800 million in the bridge plus infrastructure on the Polish side.
It’s a large project and we’re ready to start immediately, but our friends must give a precise and guaranteed agenda so that electricity can come to Poland and further, if needed, from Ignalina at the output I mentioned,” Tusk said.
Lithuanian PM Kubilius responded that an agreement on the project is possible in the near future. “Understanding Polish interests, we hope that we will reach agreement on technical matters within the nearest future,” he said. (Interfax)
Fonte: http://bbjonline.hu/index.php?id=46410
Ed ancora.
La centrale nucleare polacca al confine con la Belarus
Il governo polacco ha in progetto la costruzione di due centrali nucleari una a nel Voivodato di Podlachiawiki, ad est del paese, in prossimità con la Belarus e l’altra nel Voivodato di Pomeraniawiki del Nord del Paese.
La decisione finale è ancora da prendere, ma la discussione è già in pieno svolgimento.
Ufficiosamente, la parte nord-orientale della regione con capoluogo Bialystok (60Km. al confine della Belarus), la Podlachia, è la candidata più probabile alla futura ubicazione di almeno uno degli impianti atomici.
Il Primo Ministro Polacco, Donald Tusk, appoggia apertamente questa probabilità. Secondo il suo parere la Polonia, entro il 2020 avrà due centrali nucleari: nella Pomerania, la regione più povera della nazione ed appunto nella Podlachia.
La fonte : qui
Per chi non avesse dimestichezza con l'inglese, 'Belarus' altro non è se non la repubblica ex-sovietica della Bielorussia.