venerdì 2 maggio 2008
Solare a concentrazione
Dall'Africa del Nord, nei deserti il solare a concentrazione potrebbe produrre energia elettrica a sufficienza per tutta l'Europa. Da un articolo dello Spiegel Online International.
The Trans-Mediterranean Renewable Energy Cooperation (TREC) is a network of scientists and politicians from various countries who have taken it upon themselves to solve Europe's energy problem. Their vision, which they call Desertec, is to turn desert sun into electricity, thereby harnessing inexhaustible, clean and affordable energy. Under their scheme, so-called parabolic trough collectors collect sunlight like a magnifying glass ...
... the heat is then used to turn water into steam, which drives turbines that produce electricity.
The left square, labelled "world," is around the size of Austria. If that area were covered in solar thermal power plants, it could produce enough electricity to meet world demand. The area in the center would be required to meet European demand. The one on the right corresponds to Germany's energy demand.
Is Desert Solar Power the Solution to Europe's Energy Crisis?
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