mercoledì 14 marzo 2007

I punti di ricarica per veicoli elettrici in Gran Bretagna

Benvenuti nel sito internet dedicato ai veicoli elettrici, è l'accogliente saluto della home page di EV-network UK ( il sito che vi dice dove sono i punti di ricarica dei possessori di veicoli elettrici in Gran Bretagna .

The EV network seeks to assist EV owners in this regard by two means:
1 - Firstly the EV network aims to establish and maintain the most comprehensive listing of publicly available charge points in the UK. This listing will be available for download from the public area of this website.

2 - Recognising that the public infrastructure is small and will take years to develop to an adequate level, then EV network members agree to provide access to their own charging points at their homes or businesses to other EV network members. This service is provided on an exchange basis - by becoming a member one agrees to make one's own charging point(s) available to other members for occasional use in exchange for which one receives access to other members' charging points. Even if only half of the hundreds of EV drivers in the UK contributed their details then that could easily increase the number of charge points available in the UK by a factor of 10 to the benefit of present and future EV drivers.


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